A Journey into the Depths of Obsession...

Some of you have been showing pictures of your beautifully organized man-caves. I am forever in the middle of the process of organizing the accumulation of the last three decades. Down into the basement we go...where my wife seldom dares to venture.

Down the stairs...Foreign Legion and Vikings at the bottom of the stairs...

Ahead and to the right is the WW2 city.

Further to the right is the entrance to the back room of the basement...but that's for later.

Moving deeper...Painted Civil War and Troy.

Moving down, standing Between Troy and the Conte Church, here is my Marx Western Town Display.

Accross from the Marxish Western Town, 3 more displays.

At the back...The Alamo and Custer.

Going back toward the stairs, we enter the middle of the back room. Here are painted plastic Confederates.

To the right...Barzso Robin Hood and the Barzso pirate Ship.

Beyond are FOV tanks and Romans and Ben Hur and more Pirates, WW2, Life of Jesus and Lord of the Rings.

Now, looking the other way, to the left of the door, More shelf displays...D-day both painted and unpainted, the Magnificent 7 Town, Weston's Cattle Drive, Marx Civil War, French and Indian War, and Spartans...and lots of mess.

At the rear, next to the furnace and hot water heater, are these shelves.

Looking back through the length of the whole room. And we're done...right?

Then there is this in the computer room.

and this in the craft room..

and then the garage...

Terrain making supplies and assorted junk...and then there's the attic...

Empty boxes and some Conte Alamo Fort pieces. The other half of the attic is filled with empty shipping boxes...because someday I'll sell this stuff...really I will...someday.